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Bouncing back from Nowhere?

30 April 2014

At http://malagabay.wordpress.com/2014/04/28/geomorphology-bending-the-truth/ … Tim Cullen continues, asking 'Rebounding from what exactly?' – and to add colour says fear, uncertainty and doubt is a tactic used in PR circles, sales and marketing, any place where negative or false information is peddled to inhibit a rival product or claim – as in the use of PR in science, to undermine competing theories, especially anything contrary to a consensus. We can see this all the time in the CAGW scam where false information and generally negative PR is employed in an ongoing avalanche upon the heads of sceptics – or any scientist that might temerously put his head above the parapet and squeak out, 'it isn't as bad as we thought …' (or something similar). The same PR tactics are regularly used in politics – and we currently have two elections in the offing (the European 2014 and the Westminster in 2015) as well as the Scottish independence referendum. Negative PR is rife – but it is so incipient that however much you might try and resist the tide you cannot help but swallow some of the water. This is especially true of the CAGW alarmism – some of the mud that flies sticks, and you even find yourself repeating the most absurd of waffle, or nodding your head when someone else does.

Tim Cullen's point is that academic institutions repeatedly use PR in a negative fashion to counter unwelcome ideas (truth and research objectivity are not part of the equation). In academia, he says, strategies are more subtle and longwinded – and can play out over generations. This kind of brain washing technique is a group dynamic associated with organisations and amounts to a belief system – and one can't help thinking of uniformitarianism (becoming an impregnable consensus over several generations).

Tim Cullen claims raised beaches are ignored as a form of bending the truth. He begins with the remarkable tale of Louis Agassiz, who came out with the idea that Switzerland was at one time completely covered in ice – rather than just a few mountain glaciers. He visited Scotland in 1840 with William Buckland as company, and they are said to have found evidence of ancient glacial action. This was eventually expanded to include all the mountains of Britain and Ireland – which became points of dispersal for glacial debris. Agassiz said that great sheets of ice, resembling the vast ice sheet on Greenland, once covered all those countries in which unstratified gravels and boulder drift deposits are found, and this is almost anywhere. The drift was said to be produced by the trituration of the sheets of ice upon the adjacent surfaces (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Agassiz#Ice_age

However, geological evidence from  features and raised beaches from around the globe has sometimes provided very unwelcome competition for the Ice Age consensus true believers and the faithful uniformitarian followers. Henry Hoyle Howorth in 'The Global Nightmare and the Flood' notes that boulder drift (erratics, scratched rocks, gravels and pebbles etc) which are supposed to be evidence of glaciation are dound at raised beaches and deposits of marine material. As the 20th century progressed the Ice Age story became the consensus – and when scientists had to mention them they used a variety of terms to avoid using the dreaded words and attracting the ire of the academic establishment. These include layered beaches, storm lines, marine limits and marine deposits, etc. What this did was to allow a new generation of geologists to redeploy the altitude data associated with raised beaches in a new theory that was attached to the Ice Age story = Post Glacial Rebound. This is purportedly due to the ice sheets through a process known as isostacy and this is now all part of Settled Science (and virtually unassailable and unbreachable, as it is so deeply entrenched). Isostacy affects northern Europe, especially Scotland and Fennoscandinavia as well as Siberia, Canada, the Great Lakes, and the NE coast of the USA, parts of Patagonia, and Antarctica (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-glacial_rebound and www.bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/climateChange/general/coastal.html

Tim Cullen's conclusion is that post glacial rebound is another example of PR negativity and has a map of post glacial marine deposits in Greenland in order to make his point. Funnily enough, the only area of Greenland to witness an expansion of ice during the LGM was in the south – and has subsided rather than being raised up. This is still happening as Viking farms and settlements in the SW have been submerged and the same thing has happened to Inuit villages. When light is allowed to filter through the PR gobbledegook it becomes evident that seismic factors are also involved. An arc of earthquakes in the north was predominantly ice free in the LGM – and an earthquake cluster occurred on an island (with hot springs) – in the north of Greenland. An earthquake cluster may also have an association in the NW and the Cape York iron meteorite. Tim Cullen concludes that the marine limits or raised beaches represent a catastrophic series of tidal waves (originating from somewhere in the NW) which engulfed Greenland and surged into the fjord systems to form peaks which are now identified as erosional notches and gravel benches etc. This may indicate a link with the iron meteorites (among other things). He also suggests these might have been a catastrophic impact in the Beaufort Sea which created the Canada Basin (and so on).

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