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Jesus had a wife?

30 April 2014

Well, according to research on a papyrus scroll, he did – but you might be a bit sceptical so go to www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/jesus-had-a-wife-say-scientist… … the scroll is just 3 inches wide but is said to be jam packed with dense text. However, it is significantly damaged but in spite of that has become known as the Gospel of Jesus's Wife – but is so small one is left wondering if this is mostly just hot air. In the Coptic text Jesus is said to refer to his wife. The scroll dates between the 6th and the 9th centuries AD – so it might be an idea that Copts adopted as the religion developed. The story is derived from the Harvard Theological Review (April, 2014) and is embellished by secular spin always eager to spike a priest in the foot. Needless to say not everyone accepts the interpretation – in that Jesus really had a wife. No doubt the findings will be pored over for a long time yet – raking the ashes, so to speak. It may actually have been part of a dispute between adherents of the Faith, in what was perhaps seen as a perfect way of life (celibacy) and a normal way of life (marraige and children). Lots of things might explain the phrase, 'my wife …' and none of them need have come out of his mouth in any case.

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