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Not So Old

26 March 2016

At http://phys.org/print378052215.html … we are told that some of the moons of Saturn, such as Rhea, may in fact be just 100 million years old. The figure of 100 million years is fabricated by modelling – so we may assume there is a possibility the orbits of these moons can be calculated even closer to our time. Having said that it is a move in the right direction, in that every change in the solar system is not automatically dated 4 billion years ago.

It seems that even some of the rings of Saturn are young (ish) and we are told that moons in general, including outside the Saturn system, are always changing their orbits. How many of us knew that. It seems there is one version of events for astronomical insiders and another version of events percolated down to Joe Public. The fact the inside group had knowledge that moons do change orbit (for whatever reason) allowed them to include this knowledge into their computer simulation of the Saturn system – and out popped the answer. The orbits of three of the moons of Saturn are much younger than the others.

At http://phys.org/print378028363.html … we have a study on the ability of bacteria to live in space – in this instance on the Space Station orbiting the Earth. The idea was to see how they would cope in the space environment – and they did. One of the bacteria, bacillus safunis, appeared to grow 60 per cent better in space than on Earth. This appears to be further evidence in support of Hoyle and Ramasinghe's 'Panspermia' hypothesis.

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