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14 January 2017

At https://www.hakaimagazine.com/article-short/archaeological-find-puts-hum… … this concerns the controversial Bluefish Caves in the Yukon where evidence seems to exist to show humans were living in the region 24,000 years ago – at the height of the Late Glacial Maximum. Whilst this might cause palpitations amongst uniformitarians, surprise even, or an impossibility that confronts their deep seated beliefs in how they understand the past, it is actually a discovery that may support the notion the LGM was nothing more than a shift in the position of the poles (and the location of the ice caps). The mainstream view is that a massive ice sheet covered most of the northern hemisphere – which includes a great deal of North America (if not its entirety). In a pole shift model the ice sheet would largely be confined to NE N America and NW Europe with large areas of Siberia and Alaska/Yukon ice free. Is that possible?

Velikovsky, in one of his books, Earth in Upheaval, said that stone tools made by humans had turned up in Alaskan muck deposits. You don't hear much about that nowadays as nobody very much is looking to get at the gold at the bottom of the muck, and if they do it involves big modern machinery. It has also been counter productive to your career to think in terms of humans in N America prior to Clovis First so even if you thought such evidence might occur one might bite the lip and not mention it. Of course, in recent years Clovis First has been punctured and pushed back but stubbornly resists serious deflection – and an open mind. Although the arrival of humans has been pushed back to around 14,000 years ago (not a great deal in the grand scheme of things) this is just a rejuggling of Clovis First – and the reason for this is the idea that an extensive ice sheet covered all of N America and therefore inhibited human migration. It's a bit of a pigs ear for an archaeologist but in this post some horse bones with what look like cut marks were sent away to be C14 dated and came back with a date of 24,000 years ago. One can imagine this will be heavily resisted by mainstream and the cut marks will be questioned – but the horse bones themselves are also interesting as horses require pasture (grass and herbs). This doesn't conjure up a vision of an ice sheet – and Yukon is landlocked don't forget so people would not have been like the Inuit, adapted to a polar marine diet. Hence, we have a situation where mainstream is challenged if the evidence is deemed to be definite. Watch this space.

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