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Cosmic Explosion

2 April 2017

A mystery cosmic explosion has been picked up by NASAs Chandra X-ray Observatory – see https://phys.org/print410095783.html … the cause is thought to be a destructive event – but it's all guesswork at the moment.

Jovan sent in the link http://www.astronomy.com/news/2017/03/rethinking-the-habitable-zone … with proof of liquid water in the farthest reaches of the solar system it's clear the habitable zone isn't the only place where life might exist. A whole range of possibilities has opened up.

At the link www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170331130830.htm … NASA observations have found confirmation of an old theory – kinetic Alfven waves. These are thought to be energy transporters in plasma )charged particles of gas). As kinetic Alfven waves move through plasma, electrons travelling (at the right speed) are trapped in the weak spots of the wave's magnetic field  (and the electrons bounce back and forth). Other electrons (not travelling at the right speed, too fast or too slow) end up passing energy back and forth as they jockey to keep up with the wave.

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