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19 July 2017

At https://phys.org/print419594557.html … researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have been investigating the mysterious geology of Mars – the smooth landscape in the north as opposed to the cratered high elevation in the south. They are suggesting a colossal impact with an asteroid was the most likely cause, ripping a chunk out of its northern hemisphere and creating a ring of rocky debris around Mars that may later have clumped together to form the moons, Phobos and Deimos. This idea is not new and a similar asteroid impact theory was touted over 30 years ago.

Over at https://phys.org/print419591880.html … a team from Kentucky University claim they have observed evidence of ancient impacts that have shaped and structured the Milky Way galaxy over billions of years. The study is published in the Astrophysical Journal as 'Milky Way Tomography with K and M Dwarf Stars: The Vertical Structure of the Galactic Disc' – after observing assymetric wiggles in the stellar disk of our galaxy using the Sloan Digital Sky Telescope in New Mexico …

… and at https://phys.org/print419608832.html … gamma ray telescope reveals a high energy loop at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. A black hole is supposed to be lurking at the centre – so what is being observed may have repercussions for another mainstream favoured theory. Or is it something else unconnected with a black hole?

The centre of the Milky Way contains a 'trap' that concentrates high energy cosmic rays. Their research shows these cosmic rays are internally produced in other parts of the galaxy but congregate in the centre as a result of gas clouds slowing them down. This explanation is a theory and not a fact. The cosmic rays may actually be produced in the centre of the galaxy – but where then would the black hole reside. The cosmic rays are electrically charged particles attracted by magnetic fields which alter their paths and make it impossible to know where they originate. These cosmic rays inter-act with matter and emit gamma rays, the highest energy form of light. Back in 2016 scientists reported gamma ray evidence of extreme activity in the galactic centre. They found a diffise glow of gamma rays reaching nearly 50 trillion electron volts (TeV). It is thought the galactic centre may also be the source of high energy neutrinos.


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