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Wal Thornhill CAGW

30 March 2018
Climate change

At www.holoscience.com/wp/science-politics-and-global-warming/ … Amirthanavaqam David has posted the above link in a debate on Electric Universe at Eric's Velikovsky Thread. Interested members of SIS can mail the Contact address at www.sis-group.org.uk/contact for further details – although to join the group one has to be approved but not necessarily a member of SIS. A word of warning – it generates a lot of emails in your inbox – not suitable for a mobile phone or tablet. AP David claims our solar system is unusual – one point being the great distances from the Sun of the super planets (such as Jupiter and Saturn). These have migrated outwards, it is conceded by mainstream – over a long period of time. This is a guesswork it might be said, shovelling embarrassing facts into the deep past. However, Wal also has a view – and bypassing most of the global warming stuff scroll down to page 7 of 10. Here, we are told, the theory of how the Sun works is of Victorian vintage – formulated in the horse and carraige era. At that time they had no idea of plasma and its role in space. Plasma, Wal adds, is a better conductor than copper wires. Eddington put forward his solar model in the 1920s, when space was thought to be a vacuum – and the Sun was thought to be isolated. Therefore they could not imagine an external source of energy to enable the Sun to shine. It had to be internal. The Sun must provide its own heat in order to shine for billions of years. Another assumption in those days was that the dominant element radiating at the top of the Sun's atmosphere, hydrogen, was what the Sun was mostly composed of (an extrapolation). Hence, the Sun's fuel could not have been at the surface. It just so happened that this period coincided with research into nuclear physics – at the time a novel idea and prior to the invention of a nuclear bomb. It was primarily focussed on nuclear energy and atoms. The new discovery was adopted as a handy device to explain the internal energy of the Sun. One problem remained, the lethal x-rays of nuclear radiation. They had to be toned down – or muted. This, it was claimed, came about due to its journey from the inner core to the surface – the idea the Sun must transfer heat intrinsically by radiation (and so on).

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