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Krakatau Big Bang

9 August 2018

At https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2018/08/04/earthquakes-can-systematicall… … a big earth quake can generate after shocks (or a succession of earthquakes in the same general location) – but it can also generate earthquakes on the opposite of the planet.

At http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/crux/2018/07/13/krakatoa-sound-wave/ … in ASugust of 1887 the Earth let out a noise it has not made since. It was heard by people in 50 different geographical locations over one thirteenth of the globe. The eruption of Krakatoa released a plume of smoke that reached 17 miles into the atmosphere. It also created a tsunami wave over a 100 feet in height – and 165 coastal villages were swept away and completely destroyed. A British ship over 40 miles away had an interesting entry in the ship's log – it records that half the crew had damaged ear drums. Some 172 decibels  of sound occurred 100 miles away. Weather stations around the world using barometers recorded spikes in air pressure. Tidal stations in India, England and San Francisco measured a rise in ocean waves simultaneously with the air pulses.

At https://phys.org/print452191271.html … plate tectonics is not required to sustain life – which means there might be a lot of planets out there where life exists. However, the study starts off with the assumption plate tectonics is fact rather than theory – even though the Earth is the only known planetary body that sports it. It also assumes co2 increases surface heat via the greenhouse effect when this is palpably not true as carbon diioxide has increased but temperatures have not. We are also told that most volcanoes occur at plate boundaries – anaother assumption that some geologists disagree with. In fact it was thought that plate tectonics was a necessity for life and astronomers eagerly sought out evidence of such elsewhere in the solar system – to no avail. In other words, using computer simulations that input consensus theories rather than a wide array of different possibilities will always come up with findings close to the consensus – and wil never come up with a rogue explanation. In this instance, because they could not find other cosmic bodies with plate tectonics they modelled (messing around with numbers) and discovered that planets without plate tectonics were capable of harbouring life. After running hundreds of simulations they found that liquid water could exist for billions of years without plate tectonics – and therefore life could exist too. They also found that volcanism can exist on planets without plate tectonics (and so on).

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