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Sea Levels

17 January 2020
Climate change

At https://notrickszone.com/2020/0/16/19-papers-published-in-2019-affirm-se… … I could have posted this under geology but the link is to a climate sceptic site in Germany. The claim is that 19 papers were published in 2019 affirming sea level was metres higher than today between 8 and 4 thousand years ago. Pierre Gosselin says this is an onslaught of paleo climate evidence for warmer than now Mid Holocene climate. Something was distinctly different back then. If there was indeed a cycle of Ice Ages, as generally accepted by geologists, and then this would have been smack in the middle of the current Interglacial period. Other people might look at Ice Ages differently but this is the mainstream position. Therefore, it is no surprise that earth scientists when looking at the last 10,000 years, see nothing analous about a Mid Holocene warming. It also more or less puts modern warming into focus – as it is just a squeak in comparison with warm periods in the past. A squeak of little consequence – apart from the rabid alarmists. In addition, Gosselin goes on to say there were 107 scientific papers published in 2019 indicating today's warm temperatures are not even close to being unusuual or unprecedented. These are not facts the usual suspects in the media will publish. It is contrary to the globalist agenda.

Naturally, earth scientists attribute these higher sea levels to more extreme glacial melt – and a retreat of polar ice (even though ice cores show that central Greenland and Antarctica were just as frozen then as now). It may be that ice melted around the edges of Greenland – as it seems to have done during the medieval warm period. The inner core of the Greenland glacier is located in a bowl and can't easily flow outwards. The big question that should be asked – does the limited amount of ice melt 8,000 years ago justify the amount of sea level rise that occurred. Was there enough ice to raise global sea levels by several feet. Are other factors involved such as the land going down and up rather than the sea itself. Is there any indication that in some parts of the world sea levels fell as it rose elsewhere, indicating a change in the axis of rotation (or the amount of tilt). Does it have to have anything to do with glacial melt or is this an easy explanation that enables earth scientists to move on without bothering to look too deeply (which might be embarrassing for mainstream). 

The various articles show oysters from 4000BC, in Thailand, are now found 3m (or 9 feet) above modern oyster beds etc. (see image below). Sea levels according to the other papers were higher in the Antarctic, Japan, India, Florida, Norway, Polynesia, Dubai, Indonesia, Qatar, Vietnam, the Baltic countries, and Denmark etc. No doubt some of this is down to tectonic effects, raising the land surface etc. However, when the evidence is taken as a whole it is pretty overwhelming.


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