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Clouds, Jellyfish and the Sun

15 March 2020
Climate change

At https://spaceweather.com (15th March 2020) we have a view of the Sun by amateur astronomer Martin Wiose. Hundreds of orange 'fibers' are jumping up and falling back down from the surface of the Sun. These are spicules, jets of gas shooting up and collapsing. A big wide thread in the middle of the image below is what is known as a 'prominence' – a cloud of hydrogen held above the Sun's surface by magnetic fields. They are larger than spicules – and last longer …


At https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2020/03/15/like-polar-bears-coral-reefs-… … Corals are animals. Related to jellyfish. However, they have a limestone like skeleton made up of calcium carbonate. It is thought they have lived on earth for many thousands of years – through the thick and thin of climate change (warm times and colder times). Bleaching of coral reefs is a common alarmist meme – a sign of the End Times (the end of the world is nigh). It seems the change in colour of the coral that makes up bleaching (a whitening) comes about by the departure of one group of bacteria. It is later replaced by another group of bacteria. When the first group leaves the coral whitens. When the new bacteria arrive and settle in there is a new colour. The bacteria provide the coral with a new source of sustenance – or grazing.

At https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2020/03/15/climatologists-cloud-confusio… … for years clouds are said by climatologists to play a major role in global warming, one that is positive. Clouds were said to warm the surface by re-radiating surface emitted IR back towards the ground (instead of out into space). Cloud cover was supposed to be a warming effect but in a new article on NASAs climate web site this has been turned on its head. In this it is said that if cloud cover declines it will allow more sunlight to reach the surface – warming it. That sounds about right as passing clouds can create a cold chill – especially dark clouds on a spring day in March or April. The difference here of course  is that the climatologists claim higher levels of greenhouse gases will cause clouds to disappear – making the world even hotter than the models proclaim.

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