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Ocean Crust Waves

17 June 2020

Robert also sent in a link to https://eos.org/articles/search-for-mh370-revealed-ocean-crust-waves … the search for the missing plane, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared in the Indian Ocean back in 2014, led to a long and  detailed search of 18,000 square km around the SE Indian Ridge, west of Australia. They didn't find the aeroplane but they did produce a series of sea floor maps that found a geological puzzle previously unknown. A paper in Geophysical Research Letters in May of 2020 is about 'waves' on the 'sea floor' that reflect on the bathymetry of the ocean bottom. Interestingly, they assume the waves apply everywhere on the ocean bottom even though most of the ocean is covered in thick sediments and it is impossible to see what is beneat it. It is recognised that the sea floor accumulates layers of sediment over time. The process of sedimentation is assumed to be an ongoing phenomenon and accumulates in a gradual and slow process – although run-off from big rivers is known to accelerate the rate of offshore sedimentation. For some reason, the sea floor around the SE Indian Ridge has not got a thick layer of sediment. In fact, it is thin in comparison with most places. This enabled scientists to map the sea floor. It was found the ocean crust rises and falls in wave like structures. Why this occurs is unknown but that doesn't stop scientists coming up with an explanation that fits i) the uniformitariian scenario, and ii) conforms with Plate Tectonics theory. We are told the ocean crust reveals the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field as it forms. This sounds a bit like the magnetic stripes on the sea floor of the Atlantic – an article of faith. It is assumed new crust is being formed all the time at mid ocean ridges while older crust is subducting elsewhere. The study also says they have calculated how long each wave took to develop  and come up with a figure of 300,000 to 400,000 years, nice uniformitarian round numbers. The wave pattern as a whole is said to have taken 12 million years to form. In spite of this mainstream interpretation they say there is something odd  about them. They do not match uniformitarian glacial cycles which are thought to be governed by change in earth's orbit around the Sun. For more info see https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EO145429

An alternative view is also supplied by Robert – at www.icr.org/article/strange-ocean-crust-waves-discovered/ … which begins by describing how the ocean crust waves were discovered (as above). They seem to have read the full article as they say the data for the study was collected by multibeam bathymetry. This is the latest piece of kit (technology) which enabled them to map the sea floor 15 times more  sharply than previous bathymetric methodology. It then goes on to discuss the idea that ocean crust formation should follow orbital cycles – a pattern in new crust formation that matches the tilt, wobble, and eccentricity of Milankovitch cycles. They add – it is unclear why the production of waves should follow these cycles, and they don't. The piece then goes on to associate the waves with Noah's Flood (as they seem to in most geological phenomena). Both links have a quote from a scientist on the subject – 'these kinds of studies drive home the point that exploration drive science is as valuable as hypthesis drive science …'. This off the cuff statement virtually admits a lot of science consensus is not derived from actuall data from field research. It is in the heads of the scientists who make use of the mainstream mantra above all else. As far as catastrophism is concerned, it is simply ignored. Is that science?

Having said that it is possible the waves are created by what is going on inside the earth rather than what is going on in the sky. It is only because they thought the waves have a magnetic connection to magnetic stripes on the sea floor elsewhere, that the idea of a connection with glacial epochs was aired. Even the connection of magnetic stripes to Milankovitch cycles is an assumption as the sea floors do not contain a particularly satisfactory set of stripes, anywhere but in the Atlantic (and only in one part of the Atlantic). Elsewhere, the stripes are far from uniform as discussed in various articles available to read at www.ncgtjournal.com

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