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Fire in Late Glacial Maximum

5 August 2020

At https://notrickszone.com/2020/08/03/during-the-last-glacial-maximum-fire… … during the Late Glaical Maximum, when ice sheets are thought to have been at their greatest extent (in the last 100,000 years), fire activity in the natural environment seems to have been an order of magnitude more prevalent than today. We are talking about the period, 26,000 to 19,000 years ago, after which the ice sheet seems to have shrunk. The research took place in southern Africa and it seems that summer temperatures there were 3 to 4 degrees warmer than today, which is a remarkable admission. One might even think that South Africa was further away from the south pole than it is today. In addition, in Alaska, at the height of the same glacial maximum, wild horse were able to find plenty of fodder, grass and herbs, which again is quite unlike the modern world. Vegetation suitable for herds of herbivores, as bison and mammoth were also common, was akin to what you might find in a temperate zone today. The weather was quite unlike what can today be found within the Arctic Circle. One might even hazard a guess, if one were to be mischievous, and suggest the Arctic Circle has also changed location and Alaska was further away from the north pole. Mainstream would go bonkers and their heads explode if that was seriously offered as an explanation. It does however fit the facts. How could all those herbivores feed and breed in a cold and hostile environment. It must have been a different kind of tundra than we have in the modern world. Horses simply do not survive in the modern Alaskan environment. They might if kept by humans, fed and stabled, but they would die in the wild as there is too little to eat. With mammoths we have the fact that they are elephants that have evolved to grow a woolly, or hairy coat. Bison can survive blizzards and  snow cover, even in the modern world, but not horses in the wild. None of these animals is adapted to the tundra. Simply pointing a finger at the woolly coat is not enough as elephants eat great quantities of vegetation – including branches and leaves from trees. Then again, great lumbering caribou seem to survive in the Arctic Circle.

See also www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379119307437 … the study, we may note, assumes there really was an extensive ice sheet in the Late Glacial Maximum. After all, there is evidence that southern Australia was much colder. Hence, they are forced to explain the prevalence of wild fires as a result of drier  weather and tinder box vegetation (as a result of the ice sheet keeping at bay the rain). Mind you, if Clube and Napier's proto-Encke comet was a reality, we might have a ready made answer for the wild fires – lots of meteors. On the other hand, if southern Africa was positioned where shall we say Angola and Zimbabwe are currently located, the wild fires could be put down not just to a drier environment, but one with a dry season (as well as a wet season). In fact, the warmer temperatures in both South Africa and Alaska indicate it was not a colder world during the Late Glacial Maximum. What we need now is some Chinese research on the Late Glacial period in their neck of the woods. We already know that mangroves were growing at the latitude of Hong Kong and jungle was absent from Borneo. The problem at the moment is that most research on the environment at this time has been in countries most affected by the glacial advance – western Europe and North America.

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