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Siberian technologies

9 January 2021

At https://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/prehistoric-people-devel… … prehistoric Siberians developed a technique for turning woolly mammoth ivory into a playdough like material that was easily worked. Going back 12,000 years ago, ivory was fashioned into softened ivory and preserved in long bars. Ther idea was to use the raw material to carve figurines. The site, near the Yenisey river in Krasnaysk. One might disagree with the focus of this article but the ivory in question was genuine. It exists, and lots of pictures at the link provide proof positive. Mammoth tusks appear to have beern softened in order to make the material pliable. It is likened to modern playdough. How it was achieved is an unknown.  Lots of pictures.

At https://theconversation.com/magic-culture-and-stalactites-how-aboriginal… .. which concerns a cave in eastern Victoria, Cloggs Cave. Sounds almost like too much Yorkshire pudding. The cave was ful of dead animals, including remains of giant kangaroos, and Aboriginal tools. Lots of pictures once again. Cloggs Cave is in the territory of the Krauatungulong clan, one of a larger branch of Aborigines. It seems the cave cannot strictly be defined as a shelter from adverse conditions. It became, in essence, a centre for seasonal and magical continuities going back millennia. It was a special place, preserved over many generations. It was kept special.

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