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Update on Sun

11 March 2021

At https://phys.org/news/2021-03-astrophysicist-theory-sun-composition-vari… … a 2004 theory by astrophysicist J Martin Laming of the US Naval Research Laboratory has recently come up trumps it would seem. Recent observations of the Sun's magnetic waves seem to modify chemical composition in a process completely new, we are told, as far as solar physics are concerned. However, it was known to the optical sciences, and was also the subject of Nobel Prizes in 1997 and 2018. Laming began studying the subject in the 1990s and published his theory in 2004. All solar activity in the corona is driven by the solar magnetic field. This includes solar flares and coronal mass ejections, where high speed solar wind [plasma], punches energy particles from the sun. These impacts of solar intensity are triggered by oscillations as waves on the magnetic field lines [or the process described as field lines]. New observations appear to support this idea.

At https://phys.org/news/2021-03-mystery-expansion-universe.html … we keep coming across mysteries in science that is otherwise said to be settled. This is the mystery of the expansion of the unverse, according to the headline screecher. You would have thought it was all done and dusted by the confident way they inform Joe Puiblic of these matters, but apparently not. Big Bang is virtually the consensus view nowadays, with nary a mention of the steady state theory. The basic idea of expansion, following Big Bang, is an ongoing expansion of the universe. Funny thing though, the idea of an expanding earth is frowned upon, but that is another story. Expansion is said to stretch out in all directions, like a balloon being inflated. Once again, this piece is all about measuring the rate of expansion – as different rates have been postulated by different people. To top it with some icing we are told, we may have 'a new kind of dark energy' to moisten the lips. Have we been here before with the old kind of dark energy?

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