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Storegga Again in the News

5 June 2021

Gary sent in this link. In the News again as a result of a new study – the Storegga shelf collapse that led to a tsunami wave striking the eastern side of northern Britain [mostly Scotland] around 8000 years ago. See www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9648613/ …  what is often not said is often what is most important, as the saying goes. In this instance, the Storegga shelf collapse occurred at the same time as some very odd  changes in sea level around the world – at 6200BC. This is also regarded as a similar event to the Dryas episodes of the Late Pleistocene – but in the middle of the Holocene. Not only that but we know of sea level changes on the western side of Britain, even in the Solent, in southern Britain, many miles distant from a tsunami wave. We also know that the southern North Sea basin was drowned – permanently [apart from some islands that held out for a few thousand years].

The tidal wave affected 373 miles of the coastline – mostly in eastern Scotland. Presumably it also affected the Orkneys and Shetlands etc. Researchers calculate that the tsunami wave bore as much as 18 miles inland, rushing into estuaries and up river valleys. Lots of images at the link sent in by Gary. It is said the Storegga slide was triggered when submarine glacial and interglacial sediments on the coastal slopes of Norway's continental shelf system slipped [down the slope into deeper ocean water]. What caused the sediments to shift at this precise period of time is not really discussed – only from a local angle. This is because to associate it with similar events elsewhere might mean connecting the dots – with an uncomfortable outcome most likely. In other words, the real mystery is being ignored – but the sediments laid down by the tidal wave can't be ignored [which is where we are at this point in time]. At Storegga it is calculated some 791 actual miles of sediment moved downwards, tipping into the ocean bed – just like that.

One can look at Late Pleistocene maps of the ocean which show the continental shelf system around Britain and Scandinavia was dry land for a long time, particularly during the Late Glacial Maximum. The reason for the assumption made is that so much water was locked up as ice as a result of the Late Glacial Maximum. On the  face of things it would seem a reasonable assumption to make – especially as Ice Age theory is built around the idea of huge glacial expansion, and retraction.

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