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Ghada Chehade

10 October 2021

Writer, social critic, and performance poet are amongst her accomplishments. Ghada has been a political analyst, specialising in geopolitics and socio-political changes in the modern world. She has written articles for a variety of news outlets such as the Asia Times, the Political Anthropologist, and the Global Analyst – but also for https://soapbox-blog.com and Thunderbolts [as one of her likes is the Electric Universe]. At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2021/10/10/why-cosmology-matters-beyond-science/ … which sounds almost like a piece on Spiked Online rather than Thunderbolts. She does manage to put some interesting ideas together as to why the Enlightenment is currently out of favour with academics and the political establishment. Basically, she is saying the new way of thinking allows some of the big players to proceed without any need of feeling guilty about where their actions may lead us all, and who will be the collateral. Just in time for Net Zero, one might say.

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