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Miyake Events

30 October 2022

Miyake events are named after the Japanese lead author of a study that first brought them to the notice of the wider world of science. They are intriguing. The research paper is at

https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2022.0497 … in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A and comes from the University of Queensland in Australia. It says such bursts of cosmic radiation, known as Miyake events, occur at approximately 1000 year intervals, which appears to be a computer generated cycle – and may be meaningless. What causes them is unknown. For the moment they have been compartmentalised as huge solar flares, and in that respect, the same might be said of the Carrington event. Qingyuan Zhang, an undergraduate math student, has devleoped software to analyse data from tree rings, which show up spikes in atmospheric carbon 14. When radiation strikes the atmosphere it produces radioactive carbon 14 – which is absorbed by the oceans, in plants, and in animals, as well as lurking in the air for some time. We, therefore, have a record of radiation spikes in our tree rings. The new research challenges the mainstream idea that super solar flares are to blame and claims sun spots do not correlate, as an example. The researchers are thinking along the line of bursts of radiation from a source outside the solar system. What about galactic flaring?

In another piece of research, see https://phys.org/news/2022-10-geomagnetic-fields-reveal-truth-biblical.html … it seems that variations in the geomagnetic field of the earth have become a dating tool, rivaling C14 methodology. The story is widely reported across the media, mainly because of the Biblical connection. Some 21 destruction layers at 17 different archaeological sites in Israel have been reconstructed by making use of geomagnetic data. These are said to include Egyptian, Aramean, Assyrian and Babylonian campaigns in the southern Levant. You may note the initial assumption is that site destructions involve human agency rather than natural events such as earthquakes – or burning by other means. Do they assume MB Jericho was destroyed by humans when it was possibly burnt down contemporary with the destruction of Tall el-Hammam, a few miles distant, by an atmospheric meteor explosion generating extreme heat and blast? Are the dates compromised by the use of C14 methodology which appears to be at least 150 askew in the early first millennium BC? Lots of questions were not answered by the press release. However, the study is intriguing and requires evaluation by chronologists that are not in step with mainstream dates. The idea seems perfect, at first sight, as it uses variations in earth’s magnetic field intensity over time. How is that time calculated? That is the rub. On the conventional framework, it seems to agree very well with Biblical events such as the Aramean conquest of Gath and various other cities, in the late 9th century BC. However, a destruction level at Beth Shan is dated to he 10th century BC and is said to coincide with Shishak’s campaign in the Levant. Beth Shan was also destroyed at the end of the LB period. A more intensive analysis of the research paper is therefore a requisite. Go to https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2209117119

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