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Planetary and Solar Oscillations

16 January 2023
Climate change

At https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2023/01/04/study-how-planetary-and-solar-oscillations-affect-earths-temperature-cycles/ … you don’t get to hear a lot about the 60 year solar cycle nowadays, or any other cycle or oscillation. It’s a complex subject and way over the heads of most of the alarmists – and sceptics. Hence, this link is a sort of handy reference. The workings of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has been discussed for a long time without a consensus being established. The same goes for temperature oscillations of 60 and 90 years. These have remained elusive to climate researchers. The post is taken from https://climatechangedispatch.com/how-planetary-and-solar-oscillations-affect-earths-temperature-cycles/ … but the main point to take onboard is that these cycles are real and not computer driven. For instance, we know about the warm weather in the 1990s but 60 years prior to that we had the equally warm weather of the 1930s, now mostly ignored. It doesn’t fit the agenda the politicos have signed up to. These, it is now claimed, come about due to planetary and solar oscillations, at 60 and 88 year periodicities, originating from planetary and solar oscillations. For example, solar cycles weaken and strengthen. Wolfgang Gleissman back in 1958 is accredited with defining one such cycle. The 88 year cycle in turn is derived from the 11 year Schwabe cycle, or a variation thereof. Ermakov, Scafetta, and Ollila have analysed orbital periods of Jupiter and Saturn that show a 60 year temperature cycle. They suggest the two planets change the solar system barycentre which in turn allows a greater flow of cosmic dust into our atmosphere. In other words, temporarily creating greater cloudiness. The 60 cycle shows up in instrumental records and is well known. It also shows up in Finnish  timberline pine dendrochronology [Scots pine in Finland’s Lapland]. This stretches back as far as 5634BC. The changes can therefore be seen by the eyeball. The analysis also showed the well known Gleissberg cycle of 88 years is the dominating cycle and is caused by solar activity changes.

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