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Parker Solar Probe in the Windy

11 June 2023
Astronomy, Electromagnetism, Environmentalism, Physics

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-parker-solar-probe-flies-fast.html … the Parker solar probe flies into a jet of fast solar wind. It encountered streams of high energy particles that match the super granulation flows within coronal holes. This suggests this is where the fast solar wind originates, a major objective of the mission. However, the link adds, these coronal holes are nearer the poles during the Sun’s quiet periods. Therefore, the solar wind is not pointing at earth – and we think in terms of a quiet Sun. When the Sun becomes active, every eleven years, [the solar cycle] it corresponds with its magnetic field  flipping – in mid cycle. At this point of the cycle the coronal holes have migrated southwards, to a middle position on the Sun’s face. Solar wind is therefore in a position to directly face the earth. This is in effect what has been happening over the last couple of years. The photosphere is covered  by convenction cells, with the appearance of bubbles in boiling water. The large scale convection flow is called super  granulation. They effect the magnetic field. However, they are sticking to the line of magentic reconnection. The end result is that the solar wind, as turbulent flows of roiling magnetic fields intertwined  with charged particles that interact with earth’s own magnetic field, dumps electrical energy into the upper atmosphere [the thermosphere]. How can that not effect the climate? Time for the models to be re-written. The proof is in the pudding.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-brightest-cosmic-explosion-exceptional.html … concerns the brightest cosmic explosion yet seen in human built telescopes – see earlier post on the subject. Astrophysicists around the world have been variously explaining it – the brightness of the gamma ray burst. The consensus appears to be that it was earth facing and this is why it was so bright, which seems logical. However, there was also  the curiously slow fade out of afterglow, and that is not so easy to explain away. It seems it may have dragged along a lot of solar material in its wake. On top of that we have the fact the edges of the jet could not be seen, and the slow fade of afterglow is not characteristic of massive jets of gas.

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