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22 June 2023
Astronomy, Catastrophism

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-demystify-unusual-geminids-meteor-shower.html … the claim is that most meteor showers are created when a comet emits a tail of ice and dust = a degassing comet, one might say. The Geminids, however, have an origin in Phaethon, an asteroid. Using data from NASAs Parker Probe mission, still in progress, they say it is likely a violent catastrophic event such as a high speed collision with another body, occurred. This created a gaseous explosion.

The study is in The Planetary Science Journal, and they also claim the Geminids, or the asteroid itself, was formed when our solar system formed. Phaethon 3200 is classified officially as an asteroid. Might it be a defunct comet? This explanation has actually been aired, we are told, along with other  ideas. The mainstream view is that comets sublimate when they round the sun on their journey in and out of the inner solar system, losing mass. The authors say, ‘we know that 3200 Phaethon is an asteroid’ – but when it comes close to the sun it seems to have some kind of temperature driven activity. Is this the missing electro-magnetic effects of plasma blown off the Sun? The Parker Probe seems to  show that Phaethon’s activity is related to temperature . The creation of the meteor stream was likely caused by something else. Something catastrophic. Colliding cosmic objects. The team used the NASA data  to look at fhree possible scenarios – then compared them to earth bound models.

Clube and Napier, page 147 of ‘The Cosmic Winter‘, suggests the Geminids are a young meteor showeer – as it forms a narrow band. In contrast, the Taurid meteor streams are very wide, and much older [having dissipated]. They have a lot to say about the Greek legend of Phaethon – which of course has nothing to do with the cosmic body of the same name.

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-ninth-planet-solar.html … which claims there may still be a 9th planet  in our solar system, while at https://phys.org/news/2023-06-astronomers-link-dark-clumpiness-universe.html … astronomers suggest a new link between dark matter and the clumpiness of the universe. Another piece of theoretical research as they say, ‘dark matter [may] be composed of hypothetical ultra light particles called axions …’. The universe, we are told, is less clumpy than previously thought – and has been observed in large galaxy arrays.

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