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Earthquakes and Radiation

25 June 2023
Astronomy, Electric Universe, Electromagnetism

At https://phys.org/news/2023-06-intriguing-earthquakes-cosmic.html … there is a clear statistical correlation between global seismic activity and changes in the intensity of cosmic radiation recorded at the surface of our planet. Surprisingly, it exhibits a periodicity. Research in Poland, using worldwide data sources but centred in CREDO, a project based at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow, has discovered that even smart phones can be used as cosmic ray detectorists. The idea is to monitor global changes in the flux of secondary cosmic radiation – the bit that reaches the surface of the earth. This radiation is actually produced in earth’s atmosphere – where particles from further afield collide with gas molecules, initiating cascades of secondary particles. Hence, they are not focussed on solar radiation, as such, although that must be included in those particles which collide with the gas molecules, I would suppose. The reason I mention solar radiation, with an origin in the solar wind plasma, is that the periodicity they have found is 10 to 11 years. This is very similar to the solar cycle of 11 years.

The aim is not to investigate how the Sun may interact with the earth system, but instead,  the ambition is to be able to predict earthquakes before they actually occur. However, the scientists do not jump to the conclusion one might at first consider as the activity doesn’t actually coincide with the most active period of the solar cycles. This is presumably the mid cycle period of maximum sun spot activity – which occurs at the same time as the magnetic field flips. If that is so it might be that seismic activity, instead, occurs when radiation from outside the solar system is more dominant, during the quieter period of the sun – at the beginning/end of cycle. At the moment they are looking at other possibilities but when it goes on to  suggest the cycle may mark earth passing through dark matter streams, one has to take a deep breath. Do dark matter streams exist?

We also have another mystery in the atmosphere – see https://phys.org/news/2023-06-scientists-urea-atmosphere-revealing-profound.html … observation of urea and other trace gases  indicates biomass burning inputs of urea  reach the marine environment. Enhancement of urea, nitrogen rich, at the sea surface, has a biogenic origin and creates an ocean rich in marine life.

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