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We Really Don’t Have Very Long

28 September 2023
Climate change, Geology

At https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03005-6 …. we are all used to climate change alarmists telling us we only have a few years left before the world becomes too hot or too polluted by co2, leading to humans in very big trouble. However, the goal posts keep being moved back as the day of reckoning is approached with no sign of a disaster. Now we have an aticle in Nature journal which puts it all into geological perspective. Only a fraction of the planet’s surface will be habitable – for mammals. That includes humans – and all the farting herbivores. This will happen when the supercontinent Pangaea Ultima forms – in around 250 million years time. The landmasses on earth are expected to reform as a supercontinent, and it is thought this is occurring very slowly. In the process of bashing into each other the present continental land masses will create a lot of volcanic activity. As such, co2 levels will rise to alarming proportions – and the supercontinent will have huge areas of barren desert. A veritable disaster. Bigger by far than the climate change one. Is this a wind-up?

Of course, it all depends if supercontinents have existed in the past. An alternative geology theory is that the earth is expanding and that gives the impression the continents have moved location. Expanding earth presumably creates bigger and bigger oceans. Who knows?

There is also the idea that increased co2 is bad for the environment, inserted as a fact into the article. There is no definitive science paper to show co2 has that effect. We do know and we have proof that co2 causes vegetation to grow more abundantly. That means increased crop yields. Considering how many people live on the planet co2 would seem like quite a good thing.

The research comes from the University of Bristol. They continue by saying an increase in solar radiation will cause further heating of the earth. In the next 250 million years the Sun will have burnt more of its hydrogen fuel and shrank its core, increasing its rate of nuclear fusion. Another theory that lacks any real proof. This appears to be climate alarmism on steroids. What do they put in the drinking water in Bristol?

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