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Human Footprints in North America

12 October 2023
Anthropology, Archaeology, Dating, Geology

At https://sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/10/231005161809.htm … new research reaffirms that human footprints found in White Sands National Park, New Mexico, date to the Late Glacial Maximum. This places humans in North America thousands of years prior to Clovis. The discovery was made in 2021, and was dated to between 21,000 and 23,000 years ago. In this follow up study the researchers used two new independent means to redate the footprints. They confirm the earlier dates.

Mainstream fought back, once again it would seem, as humans in the Americas during the Ice Age was for years debunked – and some people don’t seem to like it even now. Its a sort of brain block as it doesn’t fit into what they learnt at university or in their professional tuition. Some people have incredible memories and can remember almost verbatim what they learnt in their younger days. Other people can’t remember what was said a few days ago. Basically, the initial research was received with a good deal of scepticism. It was unwelcome. The researchers were accused of poor measurement skills – the sort of thing levelled at the Younger Dryas Boundary event team. It didn’t just come from archaeologists though as we are told it came from a wide spectrum of the scientific community.

By employing different dating techniques and coming up with some corroborating dates they now hope they have closed the stable door on their critics. That might be wishful thinking. The original dates came from C14 methodology – derived from the seeds of an aquatic plant. They were supported by what they call strong geological, hydrological and stratigraphical evidence, so they were confident in the dates. In the new study they used C14 dating of conifer pollen which avoided pollution from the river, known to be a factor in some C14 discrepancies – at Nineveh for example. Some 75,000 pollen grains for each sample they dated made it laborious work. They assumed it was worth it if they could slap down the sceptics. The pollen came from plants typically found in cold and wet conditions – possibly even sub glacial [although that might be egging the pudding too much]. This is in stark contrast to pollen from the modern conditions in New Mexico. A minimum age of 21,500 years ago was achieved. Another interesting point, not dwelt on in the study, is that the climate in New Mexico was vastly different to the modern world, and what this might imply. It would agree, we may note, with a North Pole situated south of where it is now. Skewed eastwards.

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