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The First Americans

27 October 2023
Anthropology, Archaeology, Geology

At https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/the-1st-americans-were-not-who-we-thought-they-were … it has been the consensus view for decades that the first Americans to cross the Bering land bridge after the last Ice Age were the Clovis people, known mostly for the shape and angle of their stone blades. This view persisted in spite of mounting evidence contradicting it. Inevitably, the dam broke and it is now thought humans arrived somewhat earlier. However, it is proving a long process to get the consensus eradicated entirely as historians insist people could not have entered the Americas during the Late Glacial Maximum. There was just too much ice in Alaska and Siberia, we are told. This view is entirely counter to geological evidence which tells us that Siberia and Alaska were not frozen solid in the Late Glacial Maximum. Most of the ice was in the NE of N America, and NW Europe. There was nothing to stop humans crossing the Arctic Ocean, which at that time was much narrower than it is nowadays, the reason why mammoths continued to exist on Wrangel Island deep into the Holocene. They didn’t need to use the  so called Bering land bridge as they had another route in. They  also did not need to use the so called kelp highways along the coast, in order to avoid the ice sheet, as the latter is a figment of uniformitarian imagination. That is why archaeologists cannot find evidence of humans passing on that route – as the article says, in defence of Clovis a bit earlier.

The article goes on to tell us about various other indications of humans in the Americas, both in North and South, during the Late Glacial Maximum. All been aired before but  an interesting article as it shows the  sort of brain block going on in some quarters.

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