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Lake Baikal Geological Anomaly

7 April 2024

At https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/geology/underwater-robot-in-siberias-lake-baikal-reveals-hidden-mud-volcanoes-and-an-active-fault …. a video camera onboard an underwater robot found cracks associated with mud volcanism close to an active fault zone under the surface of Lake Baikal in Siberia. There is a video of the discovery at the link. The mud volcanoes are fed by gas hydrates, crystals of water and gas.

At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240402192616.htm … zircons in Patagonia. Zircons are no bigger than a grain of sand but scientists use them as timekeepers – an easy method to date ancient geology. The crystals are said to show a signature of the geological environment where they are found. A useful tool. A new study seeks to use them to spotlight the tectonic processes involved when the seafloor is raised to become land, and later, become mountains, a mainstream geological process. However, the zircons found when geological plates were colliding, it is believed, have turned out to be contradictory. The chemical signature seems to show the  plates moving apart rather than colliding. However, the contradiction has to be explained and the study goes on to attempt to do this in a convincing manner. One may note that in an Expanding Earth scenario zircons would naturally occur as plates, or the continents, moved apart. It would not be anomalous – but that would require a big rethink. That is not to say an expanding earth scenario is valid – but it should not be ignored as a possibility.

At https://www.space.com/thousands-mysterious-rocks-mars-sample-return …. the surface of the red planet is marred by thousands of white rocks is the headline. On reading into the story we learn the rocks are pebble sized and were found scattered across a crater floor – around 4000 of them. They were discovered by the Perseverance Rover and reflect an anomaly yet to be explained.

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