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Solar Orbiter Images

7 May 2024
Astronomy, Electric Universe, Electromagnetism

At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-solar-orbiter-mind-boggling-video.html … a video captured by ESAs Solar Orbiter mission shows feathery hair like structures made of plasma following magnetic field lines in the lower atmosphere of the Sun. They then transition into the hotter outer corona. A link to the video is supplied – and no doubt it is elsewhere on the internet, including the ESA web site. These fine, lace like features, can be found around the centres of sunspot groups, where magnetic conditions are strong and large coronal loops are forming. The structures span two atmospheric layers – the chromosphere and the corona. As yet, no mention of electricity as a feature of the magnetism.

At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-mantle-movements-earth-surface.html … is about movemernts in the Mantle affecting what is going on at the surface of the Earth. This appears to be an attempt to  bring Plate Tectonics up to date and explain why volcanoes and other tectonic activity is common on so called plates rather than being confined to plate boundaries. Do these plates really exist – or are they simply trying to keep the consensus view on track by providing some stirring support. Even if it is really contradictory to the plate tectonics model.

In Plate Tectonics it is the movement of the plates that shapes the rocky features. These are things such as hills and mountains, ocean trenches and ocean ridges, and even I suppose the odd sea mount that thrusts up from the sea floor. Although that might not be strictly true. At one time the plate boundaries were the source of tectonic geology – such as the string of volcanoes that make up the Ring of Fire. It seems that volcanoes are just as likely to erupt in the middle of these plates, and the so called subduction zones associated with oceanic trenches seem to be remininsicent of continental features such as rifts and fault zones. The researchers, it seems, claim that temperatures and chemical structures within the Mantle can cause swells and basins on the landscape at the surface. These, they say, occur even though Plate Tectonics is a fact of life. The Mantle can rise as high as 2 km, especially at very hot locations.

For the full paper go to https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB026735

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