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Solar Orbiter Mission

2 June 2024
Astronomy, Electromagnetism

At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-mystery-solar-unveiled-orbiter-mission.html … ESAs Solar Orbiter Mission has been looking at the surface of the Sun. How, for example, the solar wind forms. They describe it as an outflow of charged plasma. When it hits the atmosphere of the Earth it can create auroral phenomena.

At https://www.livescience.com/space/the-sun/scientists-discover-the-possible-origin-of-the-suns-magnetic-field-and-its-not-where-they-thought-it-was …. The discovery was made using complex computer simulations we are told. The origin of the Sun’s explosive storms lie near its surface [or atmosphere] and therefore its magnetic field must do the same. The Sun is a gigantic ball of plasma, they go on, whose charged ions swirl to create magnetic fields. The convection zone is a roiling, flowing plasma, and dominates the top third of the Sun’s radius. Helio seismology uses observations of vibrations rippling across the Sun’s outer surface to infer the structure inside. This data was used to create this model – using algorithms of the vibrations. Change in the flow of plasma across the top 5 to 10 per cent of the surface most closely matched the magnetic fields seen from the outside.

Sticking to the theme of magnetism, at https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/a-force-more-powerful-than-gravity-within-the-earth-how-magnetism-locked-itself-inside-our-planet …. in this instance, the origin of magnetism inside the earth. Locked inside magma. In this link electric currents are part of the magnetism. Also, lightning is a flash of electric current which generates magnetic fields and magnetises ferrous rocks. It is an extract from a book by Frank Close, ‘Charge: Why does Gravity Rule?‘. He is a theoretical physicist at Oxford University.

At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-magnetic-massive-stars-galaxy.html … here we have the detection of magnetic massive stars outside our galaxy.

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