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Electric Universe … snippets of news …

2 July 2010

The big news is that Wal Thornhill is addressing an SIS meeting next week – at the Harlequin theatre in Redhill, Surrey (just off the M25). To get an idea of what is being discussed go to www.electricuniverse.info/Electric_Universe_on_Wikipedia/ where there is an outline of the model suitable for the uninitiated.

At www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/Education/wtether.html there is an article on ‘Electric Currents from Space’ – referring to aurorae and magnetic disturbances but mentioning the Norwegian Kristian Birkeland who observed auroral disturbances at the turn of the 19th /20th centuries. He said that electric currents from space set aurorae in motion – for which he was criticised at the time but recent spacecraft evidence has proved him to have been right. It also quotes Faraday who also foresaw aurorae as an electrical phenomenon. In another part of the article it mentions an experiment made by the space shuttle Columbia in 1996, generating electricity by dangling a long wire into space.

At www.plasma-universe.com/Comet we have an article on comets and electricity which includes electro-static charging of the comet nucleus and the charging of comet dust resulting in levitation of dust from the comet surface. The article is too long to adequately review in a short space so it is necessary for interested parties to go to the site. 

At www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2010/arch10/100630biology.htm there is an article, ‘Electric Biology’ – a fascinating subject. It claims electric fields appear to be able to alter gametes so much new species are created – but many biologists would disagree with this idea (it quotes The Primeval Code by Lue Burgin). The article also brings Rupert Sheldrake into the argument, biologist and author. He was popular some 25 years or so ago and today is largely neglected – but he has a website at www.sheldrake.org and it is surprising to find he is still pushing the same idea of morphic fields and morphic resonance. There is a certain amount of gobbledegook in the presentation of his ideas which may account for the fact he is rarely quoted in mainstream literature – a sort of posh hippy type feel to his writing, a kind of 60s slant, out on a limb – but very intuitive. I liked the idea of morphic fields, nature having a propensity to reproduce itself when something useful is created – such as eyes. I remember visiting a children’s farm with my kids shortly after reading his book and being surprised at how similar the eyes and eyelids of pigs are to humans – perfect matches. Somewhat later, medical scientists experimented with the idea of using pig heart valves in humans with a heart condition so even this organ must be the same – and the whole idea of morphic resonance appears to have potential. This in turn may have some kind of connection with electricity in cells, another recent discovery (but not necessarily universally accepted). A new uptake on his ideas is available in a new book, A New Science of Life (2000). In addition, the site has streaming audio presentations, and various online debates, online experiments, and a debate on science and healing.

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