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Index of Postings in October 2010

4 November 2010
Inside science

October 2010.

October 2nd … The Heliosphere

October 2nd … A Bahamas treasure-chest found in a hole … a number of holes

October 2nd … Big Stone Axes for chopping down trees

October 2nd … The Eemian again – same article, different take

October 2nd … The God King scenario

October 3rd … -and even more on the YD boundary event debate

October 3rd … Sprites on a video clip

October 3rd … Lascaux constellations

October 3rd … More on archaeology and the Younger Dryas boundary event

October 3rd … Early Palaeo-Indian movements

October 4th … Buried in sand in 3500BC

October 4th … ancient steppe civilisation

October 4th … Ptolemy's Germania

October 5th … Aborigine rock paintings of extinct animals and neolithic wood-working skills in Europe

October 5th … The riddle of the stones transported in boats

October 5th … Plinian eruptions and Babylonian Poems

October 6th … WISE update, an aurorae update, and turbulence in the solar wind

October 6th … Graphene

October 6th … The Great Attractor

October 6th … Troy is getting bigger – and a new tomb found in the Orkneys

October 7th … Volcanoes and Neanderthals – update

October 7th … Climate and Early Humans

October 7th … Deep Sea corals in the Mediterranean

October 8th … Graphene and Space Time

October 8th … Low Sun activity does not diminish warming effects – so it would seem

October 9th … A Colliding Moon

October 9th … Submerged lands off the coast of Wales

October 9th … Update on the Sun from yesterday

October 12th … Black Death

October 13th … Bronze Age Caucasus

October 13th … Oscillating Sea Levels

October 14th … Asteroid Phaethon

October 14th … Cosmic Strings are super massive ultra thin cracks in the universe?

October 14th … Was the White Horse at Uffington a dog?

October 15th … Climate – no, it's astrology!

Octob er 15th … Doomsayers – time to find a second earth?

October 15th … Tayinat Oath Platform in the Holy of Holies

October 16th … Solar Flares

October 16th … Ulster Tomb

October 16th … Middle East Milk Drinkers

October 17th … Dating the Ice Ages

October 17th … The Toba volcano and Out of Africa

October 18th … It was Warmer in the Medieval era wasn't it?

October 19th … Megalithic Tombs

October 20th … Is it the warmest year ever?

October 20th … Stone Age (Palaeolithic) flour

October 22nd … The Menhirs, Cyprus in the Neolithic, Ancient Writing, and a wooden door that was made 5,000 years ago …

October 22nd … Keeping Neanderthals brutish

October 24th … Comet Hartley2 – fast approaching meeting

October 24th … Little Big Horn

October 24th … AGW in perspective – depends on your point of indoctrination

October 25th … Self appointed repositories of Wisdom

October 26th … Strange supernovae, Water on the Moon, and an asteroid that struck Australia

October 26th … A volcano, tropics under the ice, and Ice Age vegetation – under the sea

October 26th … Loch Sunart Sediments

October 27th … Some Climate surprises

October 27th … Insects in amber pose a few problems for geochronology

October 27th … the 300/200BC event

October 28th … The Scutum

October 28th … a new theory on Silbury Hill

October 28th … Buckyballs

October 29th … Rising seas around the shores of Holland in the late Roman period

October 29th … Water on the Moon and an active Venus

October 29th … Mounds in North America

October 30th … Climate Change – from the sublime to the … laugh a minute

October 30th … the Plasma Universe

October 31st … Temple of the Winds

November 2nd … Tall Bloke

November 2nd … Saturn's rings oscillate – and more tales of salmon numbers

November 3rd … Great Apes – as smart as some of us?

November 3rd …. Volcanoes

November 3rd … The Climate Fools day and C02 – is it the new Satan?

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