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Dakhla and Beyond

11 March 2011
Ancient history

More on the tale of Egyptian MK expeditions into the western desert (see www.unreportedheritagenews.com/2011/03/ancient-egyptians-made-arduous-trek-to-Chad-new-research-suggests/ … The Dakhla Oasis lies 300km west of the Nile Valley and is usually thought to be Egypt's furthest outpost in the western desert. A few years ago a German explorer found a chain of staging posts on a straight line which ended up near the Gilf Kebir plateau in the desert of SE Libya, directly SW of Dakhla. In 2007 two other explorers had a root around and found an inscription of Mentuhotep II SW of Gilf Kebir at Jebel Uweint, a mountainous region on the border of Egypt, Libya and the Sudan. It is thought the trail continued as far as Chad which at that time was full of lakes and was fertile. However, over the course of time, since 2000BC, the environment has become drier and more arid and the desert has overtaken Chad. Lakes have dried up. The question is why were the Egyptians so keen to reach there – was there a powerful kingdom in Chad? The author has a theory, involving the afterlife – read the article.

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