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An electric plume – under Yellowstone

12 April 2011

At www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110411083533.htm – a computer simulation has come up with an image based on variations in electrical conductivity in underground rock formations beneath Yellowstone. It is thought to have a connection with the famous hot spot, a volcanic plume that has blown in a mega-blast on at least three previous occasions, the so called and much hyped super-volcano. The image was produced by geophysicists at the University of Utah and is due to be published by Geophysical Research Letters. The story also pops up at http://wattsupwiththat.com April 13th and some of the comments are frivolous. However, Piers Corbyn must look at Anthony Watts blog as he popped up and was pleased with the line of research.

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