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Orkneys in the Ice Age and Egypt in the Neolithic

9 June 2011

At http://heritage.scotsman.com/news/The-axeman-cometh-450000-years.6781421.jp … there is a report on an amateur archaeologist discovering a Palaeolithic stone axe on a beach in Orkney. It was so old that it had become part of the geology of the islands. A University of Aberdeen archaeologist says it is anywhere between 100,000 and 450,000 years of age – and presumably is being dated to one of the inter-glacial periods.

At http://en.naukawpolsce.pl/palio/html.run?_Instance=cms_naukapl.pap.pl&_P… we have a report from Polish archaeologists working the Nile delta. They are specifically targeting Egyptian history and culture in the delta in the 4th millennium BC – long before the Old Kingdom. It may shed light on how farming was introduced into Egypt and whether it came from the Levant or elsewhere. In doing so they are digging out large amounts of Nile silt and mud in order to reach the archaeology. They have found various sites of interest that show trade links between the delta and the Levant as well as Upper Egypt.

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