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The Mediterranean earthquake of the 6th century AD

9 July 2011

Sediments buried under 8 metres of sand and debris at the Sanctuary of Zeus in Greece are due to a tsunami it is alleged at www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/07/2011/the-tsunamis-of-olympia/ It is thought the regions has been hit by several flooding events, great tsunami waves that ran between hills and piled up sediment where the valley narrowed. This is akin to some of the detail we had about former tsunamis in Japan after the recent sad event. A marine origin is suggested by the presence of shells of foraminifera in the sediments. Now, the last such incident took place, it is estimated, in the 6th century AD – destroying Olympia. Earthquakes have been ruled out by the researcher, Dr Andreas Vott, as fallen columns of the Temple of Zeus actually float in the sediment – but an earthquake further afield in the Mediterranean, is not of course ruled out. Vott emphasises the destruction was by tsunami – and an earthquake somewhere in the Mediterranean would have been responsible (and we have the famous AD526 event for example that may have played a role). In fact, it emerges that tsunamis have been frequent in the Mediterranean, an enclosed sea where a lot of tectonic activity has occurred. The story also appears at www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110710204240.htm and various other sites such as www.geology.com July 12th

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