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Jordan 20,000 years ago

25 September 2011

One of the major planks of Ice Age theory is that the climate during the Last Glacial Maximum was bot hot and dry in the Levant and in the process restricted human activity. There is evidence of this during the Younger Dryas episode (see Steven Mithen, After the Ice) and most probably during the earlier Heinrich events (well known as periods in which dust levels in the atmosphere were much higher than normal). Now, the occurrence of dust is assumed to imply drier environments – extensive desert conditions in North Africa and the Near and Middle East, for example. However, if some of that dust had a cosmic origin and was not entirely terrestrial in nature (per Clube and Napier) might this mean that during periods between Heinrich and Dryas events the atmosphere was somewhat akin to what it is nowadays – fairly dust free as the earth is orbiting in a clean region of space. Well, at www.menafn.com/qn_news_story_s.asp (story ID=1093444209 )archaeological research in Jordan at Ayn Qasiya may provide a clue – as modern denudation has exposed occupation levels of around 20,000 years ago. It was heavily populated – which was a surprise, and although the basin was thought at the time to have been an oasis archaeology in nearby regions seems to paint a similar picture. What if it was a prism view of the region as a whole? Lots of water, lots of settlements and lots of animals. They lived off herds of gazelle, wild cattle, and wild asses but not only that there were almond trees (among other goodies) and people also did a bit of agriculture (or horticulture), namely, encouraging certain plants to grow at the expense of others. As archaeology outside of Europe grows we can expect a lot of conflicting evidence to emerge that one day may challenge the whole Ice Age concept. Was there really a global downturn in temperature?

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