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Up the stairs and down the stairs

10 December 2011

Landsatt satellites used to track Yellowstone's geothermal heat – see www.physorg.com/print242540137.html. Yellowstone National Park sits on top of what is thought to be a huge ancient and still active volcano, a so called hot spot – downstairs. Heat is thought to rise from an underground chamber that creates some 10,000 hot springs, mud pots, terraces and geysers. 

At www.physorg.com/print242568738.html … a study by S Wdowski of the University of Miami posits a link between earthquakes, such as the one in Haiti and another in Taiwan, with tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) – very wet rain events. The idea is that heavy rainfall produces landslides and erosion which removes ground material and releases stree load and movement along fault lines. What might be missing in this study is the electrical component within tropical storms.

At www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/12/image-of-the-day-black-hole-drawin… … meanwhile, upstairs NASAs Chandra X-ray Obervatory and the Magellan telescopes show what is being suggested is the remnant of a star ripped apart by a black hole in a distant galaxy. The so called black hole is in fact what is known as a 'ultrluminous X-ray source' or ULX. These emit more x-rays than a star but less than a quasar. What they really are is an unknown but some scientists think they might be the otherwise invisible hypothetical black holes that are busy chomping away at everthing else in the universe. So, what are ULX?

Did you know there are 30 supernova events every second in the observable universe? If not go to www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/12/supernova-30-per-second-in-the-obs…

… and at www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/12/saturns-rings-a-mirror-version-of-… … the rings of Saturn are likened to celestial discs of all kinds, from solar systems to spiral galaxies. Analysis of thousands of Cassini images of the B ring has revealed several independently rotating wave patterns. These oscillations are not due to moons caught up in the ring but seem to be spontaneous effects and a quite natural fluctuation – described as self excited oscillations and compared to the different vibrations from different guitar strings.

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