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The Meaning of Vedas

24 December 2011

Yes, back to that interesting web site, www.themeaningofvedas.com which is an attempt to explain Indian mythology in the context of catastrophism. In chapter 18 the significance of the year 3102BC is emphasized. In Indian belief this year marked the beginning of a new era, the Kali Yuga. Tradition claimed that the planets Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon, were all situated near the nakshatria Revati. Modern astronomers confirm that in February of 3102 all those planets were within 37 degrees of each other and near the asterism of Revati – hence, a collective memory of the events appears to have survived for 5000 years (we are led to believe). In Clube and Napier, at that time there was a disintegration of a notable comet with an orbit in the innner solar system, and indeed, the seven Adityas could be interpreted as seven pieces of said comet (or that is the hypothesis of The Meaning of Vedas). Excavations in the Indus Valley, it is alleged, seem to indicate a discontinuity at this point in time. 

In chapter 20 the gods Bhaga, Savits and Pashen are compared to Adityas and they appear to be three bright and speedy celestial objects. The Adityas, it is claimed, were comets – and have nothing to do with the Sun.

In chapter 21 the Birth of Skanda is interesting – appearing out of a celestial Agni named Adbhut on day one of the story and by day six he was fully grown and extremely fierce (somewhat reminiscent of the transformation and sudden spurt in the growth of Cuchulainn) when he entered into a fight with Indra (known as the destruction of the stars).

In chapter 24 he gathers evidence to show the ancient Indians had an obsession with making Soma and the ritual associated with it while in chapter 25 he claims the Darcha-Pirna-Masa yadnya was performed to mark the New and Full moons. The mantras and ritual indicate that Soma was part of the yadnyas – but what was the connection between Soma and the moon?

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