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Who was Red Crag Man?

18 April 2012

At www.pleistocenecoalition.com, a piece from the latest Pleistocene Coalition News by Richard Dullum on a 'Forbidden Archaeology' item, the 900 page book that is a sieve of palaeoanthropology on the look-out for anomalies, somewhat akin to the William Corliss series of a couple of decades ago. The Red Crag portrait is an engraving on a fossil bivalve shell that is unmistakeably a human face. It even had a hole in the top of the shell designed for a cord to carry the shell around – and show off. It was recovered from the Red Crag Formation in Norfolk, a geological layer that contains lots of Pliocene fossils dated between 5.5 and 2.5 million years ago. It is thought to represent a shallow marine incursion over East Anglia laid down layer after layer of sediment with shells. The Norwich Crag Formation is somewhat later on the geochronology timescale and JR Moir, over a hundred years ago, found flints that had clearly been humanly worked – beneath this formation. The flints are very similar to the Acheulian industry – but these appear to date back over 2 million years ago. Is that possible? Other worked flints have been found in Suffolk, near Ipswich, and are of a similar style and genre. These are attributed to Homo erectus – but that appears to require post-dating backwards by some one million years. Hence, the finds have been hushed up according to Dullum (and Cremo too I suppose) as in the general scheme of things when the consensus is questioned by contrary evidences. The thrust of the piece is that human origins are much older than uniformitarians allow – and I suppose that is what Cremo also implied. However, as always, there is another way of looking at the evidence – and that is through the lens of a catastrophist. The Crag formations could have been laid down fairly rapidly – after all they contain whales and other oceanic debris reminiscent of a huge tsunami. In addition, in the grand scheme of uniformitarian geology, when it was found the Earth had experienced a series of Ice Ages the Pleistocene epoch was inserted into geochronology and the age of the Pliocene was thrust backwards. Allen and Delair, in their book, When the Earth Nearly Died, (Gateway Books of Bath:1995) claimed the Pliocene was much more recent than uniformitarians allow and much of the Pleistocene is unnecessary (too detailed an argument to go through here but go to the horses mouth so to speak as SIS has published several articles by Allen and Delair) which may imply the Pliocene is really just thousands of years in the past rather than millions of years. As such the Red Crag Man may not really be the anomaly he is thought to be.

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