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Cosmic Rays and the Moon’s magnetosphere

1 May 2012

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2012/04/24/cosmic-ions/ there ios a post and a nice picture from the Icecube neutrino laboratory, on the fact that the origins of cosmic rays do not appear to be supernovae driven, commented on here a few days ago. Stephen Smith explains that in the Electric Universe theory cosmic rays are accelerated by double layers (as described in 1929 by Irving Langmuir) and form when electric currents flow through plasma.

Meanwhile, at http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/tim-cullen-the-mystery-of-the-… (but the full article is available at http://tallbloke.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/the-mystery-of-the-missing-…). The consensus view is that the Moon has a very small magnetosphere – lurking on the far side, a region of enhanced plasma flux. After looking at Mercury and Venus he wonders how lumps of rock in space interact with the solar wind as they move around the solar system. Lumps of rock include comets – but Wikipedia still insists they are dirty snowballs. Tim Cullen says they are irregular rocky objects between 100m and 100km in sixe that sport long tails (and provides a couple of nice images of Hale-Bopp and McNaught). See also www.giurfa.com/unified_field.xlsx and http://jonova.s3.amazonaws.com/guest/lalonde-joe/world-calculations.pdf and http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2011/12/02/michele-casati-volcanicity-ear….

Tim Cullen comments at 10.33pm in reply to Casati who queried the origin of the magnetic field, inside or outside? Cullen is still on a learning curve, it seems, as far as planetary charge accumulation and discharge goes but he admits that he can see a plasma sheaf mechanism in support of the 1908 Tunguska event, as suggested by Casati. However, at 11.49pm, in reply to Tall Bloke's query, what happens to lunar dust leakingt into Earth's atmosphere, Cullen points a finger at the  sporadic Sodium Layer at high altitude, sporadic E radio wave propagation in the upper atmosphere, and the formation of Noctilucent clouds at altitudes of around 76 to 85km. Another signature of lunar dust being deposited on Earth would be a natural accumulation in the seas and oceans. The Moon's sodium tail may even be responsible for the level of sodium found in sea salt – and he then comes out with one of those sublime but off the cuff remarks to the effect that the incoming sodium from the Moon would affect consensus calculations on the age of the oceans, currently estimated between 80 and 100 million years ago. This calculation may have to stand on its head as it is based on the rate at which the oceans should have accumulated salt from erosion processes, a purely geological argument. Lord Kelvin, for example, estimated the age of the oceans from between 20 to 40 million years ago – but probably nearer 20 (see wikipedia for consensus estimate and its history).

Meanwhile, at http://bit.ly/JU6CYM which is a video of a conference on climate with Piers Corbyn in fine mettle. He is predicting some very cold weather in May – and the Met Office has this week suggested there might be some sleet on the way. Corbyn does not appear to rate the recent Henrik Svensmark paper (see post last week) which apparently ignores the magnetic influence of the Sun, Moon, and the planets (and plasma in general). It clearly relates cosmic rays to supernovae – but see beginning of this post and the Thunderbolts take on cosmic ions.

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