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Blondes and genes

3 May 2012

It seems blonde hair is not confined to Scandinavia and Europe as up to ten per cent of Melanesians, who are somewhat black in skin colour, also have blonde hair. This trait didn't come from sex starved ships crew from the West either – a study has shown it evolved long before contact with foreigners in boats looking for girls in grass skirts (see www.nature.com/news/blonde-hair-evolved-more-thanonce-1.10587 (the study was published in the journal Science).

Staying with Nature News (www.nature.com/news/ancient-migration-coming-to-america-1.10562) we have a longish piece about changing ideas on the first Americans – as the Clovis First article of faith has come to an end. Nothing dramatic here but it is interesting that Nature can, with a straight face, describe how Clovis First operated and what it means now it has been ditched. Earlier evidence, previously discarded as impossible and not conforming with the consensus view, Clovis First, has been resurrected, dusted down and looked at again. Even coastal migration was at one time a no go area for archaeologists – and careers were blighted. Nature quite happily admits all this and says that migration along the coast in boats is quite the most likely way that people got quickly to South America (Chile and Patagonia were settled fairly early on in the sequence). Clovis First ruled the blackboards – and no doubt the peer review. This is all somewhat akin to how co2 induced global warming rules the roost, even in the pages of Nature, and yet they can describe the disinformation associated with Clovis First with a completely straight face. How do they do that? Nature is in thrall to CAGW – and the similarities with Clovis First stick out like a sore thumb.

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