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David Rohl Blog

14 March 2013
Ancient history

Yes, David Rohl has a blog. I didn't realise that and I expect not a lot of SIS people knew that either. In one blog post he re-publishes an early SIS Workshop article he wrote and describes how he and Peter James, the other half of the New Chronology twinsome, decided to shift their tune from the Velikovsky hymn sheet. It seems Geoffrey Gammon was also involved in this cataclysmic drift apart from Ages in Chaos and the Glasgow Conference chronology.

David Rohl looks for logical and historical reasons behind all the Bible stories – and does not go down the route of interpretation via mythology (the Velikovsky paradigm) and as such comes up with some really interesting answers to some of the puzzles – such as the Tower of Babel. I don't wish to spoil anyone's enjoyment of the way David Rohl peels the layers off the jigsaw so here is the link with no further ado – http://davidrohlontour.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/the-tower-of-babel.html

Likewise, his treatment of the Flood story brings Leanard Woolley and Ur back in from the cold – long neglected. I don't know how much veracity there is in it but suffice to say he locates Ararat in Kurdistan and not in Armenia. He quotes Genesis 8:4 which says the Ark came to rest on the mountains (pural) of Ararat. Biblical Ararat was in effect the kingdom of Urartu and at one stage they controlled most of the territory immediately north of the Assyrian imperial boundary (8th and 7th centuries BC). Jewish Talmudic writings of the 6th century AD (therefore long after the events) consistently identify Ararat as Kurdistan rather than Armenia, and Islamic writers placed it at Jebel Judi near Nisibis – one hundred miles NW of Mosul on the southern edge of the Zagros foothills.  – see http://davidrohlontour.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/mountain-of-ark.html

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