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16 March 2013

At http://spaceweather.com March 15th, news of a geomagnetic storm warning, a CME on the Sun that is earth facing. Direct hit expected, on sunday the 17th.

The Met Office has predicted a return to colder weather next week in the UK, and today, the 16th, it is snowing in New York (and no doubt elsewhere in the US).

The story is also at http://phys.org/print282578267.html – but here the only worry is with satellites and communications systems. The weather is not mentioned.

A similar connection has been made on a post at http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2013/03/15/pannstarrs-more-evidence-for-c… .. where michele Cassati introduces a video, at www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MCZeC_FfWw, a NASA video of a double coronal mass ejection (CME) as comet Pannstars passed by (around the Sun). Tall Bloke asks is there a connection between Sun grazing comets, like Pannstars, and CME events – see also http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2011/10/09/comets-and-solar-cme-is-there-…

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