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Canyons carved by Climate Change

19 August 2013

This climate change malarkey has now migrated to the Pliocene period, and it is said to lie at the root of canyons formed on the Andes Plateau in Peru and Bolivia. Canyons are viewed by uniformitarian geologists as a proxy for uplift and tectonic processes. Here we have one of those interpretation problems caused, it would seem, by the geochronological framework rather than by fact, and the enormous amounts of time postulated as elapsing between one strata of rock and the one above it. An in-house anomaly you might say – like creative accountancy. Faulting and mountain building is dated to the Miocene, beginning at around 20 million years ago. The incision of the canyons occurs in rocks dated to the Pliocene, 3 to 4 million years ago. This coincided, we may note with tongue firmly in cheek, from a neo-catastrophist angle, the boundary between Pliocene warming and Pliocene cooling. We are being seriously informed global cooling led to a change in sea temperatures which enhanced the transport of moisture to the high Andes – and increased river erosion and created the canyons as a result of that simple fact (but lots of time are involved, absolutely stupendous amounts of time, like millions of years – but just a pinprick in geological history). The research is published in the journal Science and no doubt it is much more sobre than I have suggested – but dropping the uniformitarian spin what they are really saying is that some kind of event happened in the Pliocene, ushering in the Ice Ages. For some reason the canyons were carved out at the same time as the event – see http://phys.org/print295861500.html and www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/352473/description/News_in_Brief_Cli…

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