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Franzen and Larsson

24 December 2013

Lars G Franzen and Thomas B Larsson wrote a paper 'Landscape analysis and stratigraphical and geochemical investigations of playa and alluvial fan sediments in Tunisia and raised bog deposits in Sweden' and they also had a poster presentation at the 1997 SIS Cambridge Conference. I thought I would try and see if the paper could be accessed on the Internet as after all it was published 16 years ago. So, putting their names into a search engine came up trumps – only it didn't. The first three links were all back to the SIS web site and the page on the conference etc. No information on the actual paper apart from one link – www.spiritdaily.net/past_asteroids.htm .. which was I thought a rather strange place to find such information. The post actually appears to have been about the SIS conference and nobody in particular. For example, it retells the tale of the 2300 event and the work of Marie-Agnes Courty and provides some information on Clube and Napier. Apparently, according to Harvey Weiss of Yale there was a 300 year drought episode at the end of the third millennium BC and it seems lot of things were going on at this time. We are then informed there were lesser events at 1500 and 1000BC and the author of the piece has picked up on Franzen and Larsson. They appear to be working on a cycle of around 500 years – reasons unclear. We also learn that large areas of the Hungarian Plain were under water and rivers were swollen to shifted greater volumes of water. Where did the water come from? Was the Jet Stream that far south?

Franzen and Larsson investigated an alluvial deposit in Tunisia – laid down by lots of water. This is quite unlike the situation in the modern world. There was also a lot of water in Scandinavia – as bog deposits grew. They came to the conclusion a small asteroid, or fragment of comet, struck near the continental shelf of Europe and this greatly affected the British Isles (as well as SE Europe, N Africa, the Near and Middle East etc). How did it affect the British Isles?

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