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Brown Dwarfs raining molten iron and sand

9 January 2014

A different perspective on Brown Dwarfs can be viewed at www.space.com/24192-stormy-weather-brown-dwarfs-aas223.html … violent storms and molten iron rain 'may' be a common occurrence on 'failed' stars known as brown dwarfs, according to research from a news conference at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. They say Brown Dwarfs are cool, star like objects that don't have enough mass to fuse hydorgen into helium, the main energy source for stars, they allege. They are, in effect, giant cousins of gas planets such as Jupiter and Saturn. Clouds on Brown Dwarfs, they say, are too hot to be composed of water, the theory continues. Instead, we believe they are made up of sand and molten iron.

They did discover some positive factors about Brown Dwarfs. For example, storms are probably taking place all the time, and they rotate much more slowly than previously theorised. It is however somewhat intriguing that astronomers are thinking in terms of clouds of sand – or silica. The Mantle of the Earth is thought to contain lots of iron and lots of silica. Can these upwell into the crust from the mantle? Where does the sand and iron come from? We have iron meteorites and comets emit lots of dusty material which would include sand like particles. Did sand and molten iron once rain down on the Earth – during an early formative stage?

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