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Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion

19 January 2014

At www.forteantimes.com/features/fla/6421/the_science_delusion.html … describes how Rupert Sheldrake has dalt with mainstream criticism concerning his theory of Morphic Resonance. This attempts to explain how single organic forms self organise into more complex organisms – as an addition to the Darwinian evolution by natural selection mantra. It is of course the old story of consensus science encircling the wagons and protecting the heart – in this instance, evolutionary theory. Morphic resonance is seen as a threat – not as a side kick. The holy grain is being defended.

The morphic resonance theory applies to all self organising systems – including atoms, molecules, crystals, cells, plants, animals and animal societies. All draw upon collective memory and in turn contribute to collective memory. A growing crystal is in resonance with those crystals previously laid down – and follow the same habits of crystal organistion. A growing oak seedling floows the habits of growth and development of previous oaks – and a spider spins its web in the habit of ancestor webs, across space and time.

Morphic resonance is both simple – and complicated. It is not easy to get the head around, in one sense, but appears to be understable from another view point. According to Sheldrake the boundaries of science are useful to dogmatic scientists, as they provide parameters. Unfettered science can extend the boundaries – and upset mainstream people who find it difficult to stretch their minds. Sheldrake has always attracted criticism – some of it quite virulent. Unfortunately for his detractors Sheldrake is a Cambridge trained biochemist with a double first class honours degree and a doctorate. This rankles in some quarters. His research is still funded by Cambridge University – to this day. His latest book, The Science Delusion, a quiet attack against some of his detractors. The title was chosen by his publishers – a deliberate pun on Dawkins book, The God Delusion, although Dawkins is not specifically a target. He does take a swing at Big Bang, the Speed of Light, and Dark Matter – and does have something to say about Dawkins (described in the review as an evangelical atheist). See also www.sheldrake.org

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