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Neutron stars and Black Holes

15 May 2014

At http://phys.org/print319261859.html … we have news of another supercomputer simulation – one which shows two neutron stars colliding, merging, and forming a black hole. A neutron star, we are tols, is the compressed core left behjind when a star explodes. The theory is that neutron stars themselves are the remains of very big stars – stars that dwarf the size of our Sun. Hence, the solid core is very heavy – and such combined mass, it is hypothesized, is what is necessary to fuel the even more super dense black holes. Of course, it is a computer simulation, not actual evidence – but big brains are at work, so we have to think in terms o9f taking it onboard.

At http://phys.org/print319272527.html … another bit of modelling – this time from the 'Astrophysics, INstrumentation and Modelling Laboratory' in Paris (Universite Diderot). They claim to have successfully modelled the effects of gravity waves in a simulation of how they think the Sun works, from its nuclear core to its corrective surface. All highly clever stuff – very clever. The research is published in 'Astronomyh and Astrophysics' journal and will be used in future text books, no doubt. It will also be used in space missions – such as the Solar Orbiter. Waves, propagated inside the Sun, influence the structure and the way it behaves. The inner Sun is a stable beast, it is said, a zone where energy is pushed outwards. The outward parts of the Sun, in contrast, are turbulent.

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