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Dilation of Time

1 January 2015

At http://phys.org/print339147471.html … there is a fascinating abstract derived from an article in the December 23rd issue of PLOS ONE online journal, 'Implication of an Absolute Simultaneity Theory for Cosmology and Universe Acceleration' which suggests dark energy is not necessarily a factor in the expansion of the universe. It is all about the idea of time dilation and a different way of looking at Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein's 'general theory of relativity' indicates that time dilation in response to gravity is directional in that an object in high gravity will have slower time than an object in low gravity. In contrast, Einstein's 'theory of special relativity' describes reciprocal time dilation between two moving objects, such that both moving objects times appear to be slowed down relative to each other. The new paper prefers the idea time dilation in response to movement is directional with only the moving object undergoing time dilation.

Edward Kipreos, a molecular geneticist, says the phenomenon can be easily understood in the context of how Global Positioning System satellites work (GPS navigation). The satellites , which travel in free fall, are moving fast enough in relation to the Earth that you have to correct for their time being slowed down based on their speed. Without that correction the GPS measurements would be out by 2km a day – which is quite revealing to say the least. GPS satellites sending out the time which is then detected back on Earth where the distance between the two is measured – is based on the theory of special relativity. This is supposed to be reciprocal, where both parties will experience the same time dilation – but all the known examples can actually be interpreted as directional time dilation. Our time is going faster relative to the satellites – and we know that because of constant communication with the satellites. He then goes on to look at dark energy and time dilation – which must have some implications.

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