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Deccan Traps

2 October 2015

The Deccan Traps, a vast lava outflow, are located east of Mumbai (formerly Bombay), and here we have a bit of putting one and one together and making two – go to http://phys.org/print362919360.html

  As a result of geochronology and dating issues when it comes to sedimentary rock layers, usually assumed to take place over very long periods of time, a connection between the K/T boundary event (asteroid impact on Yucatan) and the lava outflow on the opposite side of the world (the Deccan Traps) has usually been dismissed. However, if the sedimentary layers had been created fairly quickly the disconnection disappears, and the link becomes obvious. Well, we now have a study which tries to bridge the gap – by using a different dating methodology (yet maintaining the lava outflow took place over thousands of years rather than rapidly). It is a bit of hotchpotch to weld the two events together which suggests the authors clearly see a link but are thwarted by uniformitarian assumptions on the longevity of distinct geological layers. Nevertheless, this is an attempt to dispel some of the problems in associating the asteroid strike clearly with the demise of the dinosaurs as apparently there is a strong geological faction that wish to dispute the idea of a cosmic body hitting the earth by sticking rigidly to the uniformitarian model. In fact, if you begin by assuming sedimentary layers are always laid down over long periods of time it is impossible to show a connection between the strike, the lava outflow in India, and the demise of the dinosaurs (and other life forms). As it stands at the moment they are stand alone as far as dating is concerned – but the authors of the Science paper hope to bring them closer together. See www.sciencemag.org/lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aac7549

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