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Mesolithic house

31 October 2015

Archaeologist David Jaques was on the BBC News the other night standing in front of a tree throw – a pretty big one. It seems the University of Buckingham team at Blick Mead near Stonehenge have discovered what they are saying is a Mesolithic dwelling. It seems to represent a fallen tree with the root side used as a wall. Post hole suggest there was a roof and this is being touted as a house rather than a temporary shelter.

It dates back to around 4300BC and stone tools found in the floor area suggest it covers the late Mesolithic and early Neolithic periods – see www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/prehistoric-eco-house-130…

This is a lot more recent than other finds at the site and it is not known if this a temporary shelter or a semi permanent dwelling. The stone tools were used for cleaning animal skins and making clothes we are told, but it is not known if there were two phases at the site, one Mesolithic and the other representing Neolithic arrivals as it seems Neolithic stone tools were also found.

See also http://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/6000-year-old-eco-h… … where it seems the archaeologist standing beneath a tree throw appears to be a stunt, possibly at the request of the media. A more realistic picture would be like the one below of the site being excavated

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