This article acknowledges the idea that a huge outflow of cold meltwaters from the Laurentide ice sheet was not responsible for the Younger Dryas period cooling – a position rigidly adhered to by uniformitarian scientists (as they had no alternative ready explanation in a Gradualist world view). As such, this paper is important. However, it goes on to claim the dumping of cold fresh water in the North Atlantic was still onboard. Instead, it had an origin in the melting of the Scandinavian ice sheet. Go to… … and…
It informs us that 'many scientists assumed that melting of the great ice-sheets in North America and Greenland at the end of the last Ice Age were responsible. They thought that the ice sheets pumped vast quantitiesof freshwater into the North Atlantic ocean which disrupted ocean currents and cut off northern Europe's supply of warm water and air from the tropics via the Gulf Stream' … 'but the timing of this melt does not quite fit with the timing of the cold snap recorded in Greenland ice cores' – and there you have it. Plain as daylight. An open admittance that the consensus theory in all the text books on the Ice Ages is not viable. The reason is that the end of the Late Glacial Maximum, around 15,000 years ago, which in Greenland ice cores is marked by a massive uptick in temperatures, occurred some 2000 years prior to the Younger Dryas event – which is 2000 years of warmth, enough to melt the ice sheet several times over. In North America the Clovis hunters thrived and in NW Europe we have a common Mesolithic culture from Iberia through France and Britain to Denmark and Poland. They could not have been thriving if there was any ice hanging around in the wake of the Late Glacial Maximum. We also know that the Black Sea basin filled up in the aftermath of the Late Glacial Maximum – and had stopped prior to the Younger Dryas event as glacial water being pushed down rivers across Europe had slowed to a trickle.
The field research was good – the Swedes excel in researching sediments in lakes and in this instance they used midges. Some species prefer warmer temperatures than others. They were able to show the existence of the different species coincided with evidence from Greenland ice cores. Once the field evidence was gathered the scientists put it into a climate model and used computer simulation to try and understand what was going on. Actually, that is not true as it is clear they had a desired finding prior to feeding the computer – and you can bet a catastrophe was not part of the input. What the computer regurgitated was a pulse of fresh water – from the direction of Scandinavia rather than NE America. You get out of your computer what you put into it – therefore this is far from the last word on the subject.